We have a responsibility to be good stewards of the financial resources God gives us. The Bible says in 2 Corinthians 9:7 that we should decide in our hearts what to give, that we should give without compulsion and cheerfully. It currently costs some £300k annually to run St Luke’s; if you wish to contribute to the work and mission of St Luke’s we would be delighted for you to setup a regular standing order.
St Lukes account details
Account Name: Parochial Church Council of St Lukes Watford
(an alternative name acceptable to some banks is PCC ST LUKES WFD)
Account number: 70687472
Sort code: 20-91-79

Giving to St Luke’s online
Click here give to St Luke’s Watford
You can give a suggested amount or choose how much to give. You can also Gift Aid your donation.
Regular giving and one-off giving
Setting up a monthly standing order is easy to do and it helps us plan our finances better. You can set it up online with your bank using the bank account details given below or by using our standing order mandate form. Please send the completed form to:
John Sills
c/o St Luke’s Church
Langley Way
WD17 3EG
Please mark the envelope ‘Confidential’.
Similarly if you wish to make a one-off donation to the church’s general fund or for a particular purpose then please use the bank details above and indicate in the reference field the purpose for which you want the gift to be used.
You can add to your giving with Gift Aid
If you are a UK tax payer you can gift aid your giving by completing the Gift Aid section on the standing order mandate form. This allows St Luke’s to claim an additional 25p for every £1 you give from the Government.
Donate to our Partnership Fund
The Partnership Fund is setup for appeals to give specific grants to other churches and Christian organisations. In the past the money raised was used to fund projects such as funding an AIDS clinic in India, a maternity unit in Malawi, and others around the world.
For 2024, the Partnership fund appeal is for Nireekshana (Drs Sujai and Lavanya Suneetha. Nireekshana has over 2000 HIV/AIDS patients and 400 Leprosy patients registered with them, and provides treatment. They are seeking funds for a purpose-built clinic and community centre.
If you wish to give thanks to God in this way then please use the bank details below to donate:
Account Name: Parochial Church Council of St.Lukes Watford
Account Number: 70687472
Sort Code: 20-91-79
Please include in the reference “PARTNERS” and also your name if you are able to Gift- Aid your contribution.
NB: You can also complete the Gift Aid declaration form attached to the standing order mandate and send this to John Sills at the address above.